The 50-Meter Monsters and Other Horrors Edited by Roger Elwood (September 1976) $3.00
Includes contributions from Divid Bischoff, Matt Christopher and Ward Smith.
Scholastic Books #29794 [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
Adam Bookout by Louisa R. Shotwell (1967) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by W.T. Mars. 156 pages.
The Viking Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Ex-libris; card pocket inside back cover.)
Adventure Stories for Girls Edited by Peter Rolls (1976) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 256 pages.
Hamlyn Publishing Company UK [Second Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Adventures from the Original Alice in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll and Marcia Martin (1951) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Laszlo Matulay. 20 pages. SRP: 39¢.
Wonder Books [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
The Adventures of Homer Fink by Sidney Offit (February 1967) $3.00
Softcover. 224 pages. SRP: 45¢.
Scholastic Book Services #T-955 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Bennett Kline and Mark Twain (1940) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Henry E. Vallely. 92 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company [Printing Unknown]
Book isFine Minus.
The Adventures of Little Fuzzy by Benson Parker and H. Beam Piper (1983) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Michael Whelan and David Wenzel. 44 pages. SRP: $5.95.
Platt & Munk [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Some corner wear, some colored pencil marks on endpapers.)
The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver by Thornton W. Burgess (1945) $10.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Harrison Cady. 180 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine. (Mild staining to edges of pages.)
Dust Jacket is Good. (Edge wear.)
The Adventures of Superman by Patricia Relf (1982) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by David Hunt and Kurt Schaffenberger. 24 pages.
Golden Books [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (1965) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Polly Bolian. 254 pages.
Golden Press/Western Publishing Company #12214 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus. (Minor corner wear/blunting.)
The Adventurous Four by Enid Blyton (1972) $2.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 184 pages.
Dean & Son, Ltd. UK [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Good. (Heavy vertical crease front cover, some corner wear.)
African Adventures by Ellsworth Newcomb and Hugh Kenny (1961) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis.
Whitman Publishing Company #2298 [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Corner wear, mild warping of pages.)
African Adventures by Ellsworth Newcomb and Hugh Kenny (1961) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis.
Whitman Publishing Company #2298 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
African Samson by Humphrey Harman (1966) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Richard M. Powers. 224 pages.
The Viking Press, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Ex-libris.)
Again and Again Tales (1979) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Eric Kincaid. 54 pages.
Brimax Books UK [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
Ah-Choo by Mercer Mayer (1976) $24.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Mercer Mayer. 36 pages.
The Dial Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Akimba and the Magic Cow by Anne Rose (1976) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Hope Meryman. 40 pages.
Scholastic Books #TJ-2958 [First Printing]
Book is Fine save for name written in pen on upper right corner front cover.
Aladdin by Kathryn French (1965) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Concha Matamoros. 36 pages.
The World Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Alexander by Harold Littledale (1964) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Tom Vroman. 44 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine. (Mild corner wear, name on first page.)
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Emanuele Luzzati and Robert Mann (1968) $16.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Emanuele Luzzati. 36 pages.
Random House, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Almost April by Zoa Sherburne (October 1967) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by David Jones. 156 pages. SRP: 35¢.
Scholastic Book Services #T-254 [Seventh Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Alvin Fernald: Alvin's Secret Code by Clifford B. Hicks (1963) $2.00
Softcover. Cover art by Constance Ftera. 160 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-666 [Eighth Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (1½" crease on lower back cover.)
Alvin Fernald: Alvin's Secret Code by Clifford B. Hicks (1963) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Bill Sokol. 160 pages.
Holt, Rinehart & Winston/Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
Alvin Fernald: Alvin's Swap Shop by Clifford B. Hicks (1976) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Bill Sokol.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
Andrew the Big Deal by Barbara Brooks Wallace (1970) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Joann Daley.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Andy and the Runaway Horse by Jane Thayer (1962) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Meg Wohlberg. 48 pages.
William Morrow & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine. (Nice save for some corner wear.)
The Animal Show and Other Peter Patter Rhymes by Leroy F. Jackson (1965) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Dorothy Grider. 22 pages. SRP: 35¢.
Rand McNally & Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Some corner wear and blunting.)
The Arabian Nights Edited by Sheila Schwartz (1979) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Ralph Owen. 96 pages.
Octopus Books UK [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Some edge wear.)
Archer's Goon by Diana Wynne Jones (1986) $3.00
Softcover. 240 pages. SRP: £1.75.
Magnet Books UK [Printing Unknown]
Book is Near Mint Minus.
Arrow Book of Ghost Stories Edited by Nora Kramer (October 1965) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by George Wilde. 116 pages. SRP: 35¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-232 [Seventh Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Corner wear, some rubbing.)
Arrow Book of Spooky Stories Edited by Nora Kramer (September 1962) $8.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Erwin Hoffman. 90 pages. SRP: 35¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-331 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Arthur's Halloween Costume by Lillian Hoban (1984) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lillian Hoban. 68 pages. SRP: $8.95.
Harper & Row [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine Plus.
Ask Mr. Bear by Marjorie Flack (1971) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Marjorie Flack. 40 pages. SRP: $1.25.
Collier Books #04309 [Fourth Printing]
Book is Fine.
Atom, the Little Moon Monkey by Anne Philipe (1970) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jacqueline Duheme.
Harlin Quist [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine. (Mild corner wear.)
Babar the Little Elephant: The Story of Babar, the Little Elephant
by Jean de Brunhoff (1933) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jean de Brunhoff. 48 pages.
Random House [Printing Unknown]
Book is Good. (Wear and peeling of plastic coating along spine.)
Bad Luck Tony by Dennis B. Fradin (1978) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Joanne Scribner. 52 pages.
Prentice-Hall, Inc./Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
The Balmy Bestiary by Bev Nevers (circa 1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Bev Nevers. 20 pages.
Brownie/Greetings, Inc. [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine Minus. (Minor edge wear.)
Bambi by Felix Salten (July 1942) $5.00
Softcover. 180 pages.
Pocket Books #10 [Ninth Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus.
Barbie Goes to a Party by Jean Bethell (1964) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Claudine Nankivel. 64 pages. SRP: 59¢.
Wonder Books #5946 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Tape and writing on inside front cover.)
The Barking Cat and Other Stories Edited by Leo C. Fay (1966) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Carol Burger. 192 pages.
Lyons & Carnahan [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus save for triangular 4.5" x 2.5" x 3.5" clip upper corner first page.
Barry Blake of the Flying Fortress by Gaylord du Bois (1943) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by J.R. White. 248 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #2394 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Pages tanned.)
Basket Fever by Robert Sidney Bowen (1970) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by James Dunnington. 212 pages.
Whitman Books/Western Publishing Company, Inc. #1537 [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Edge and corner wear.)
A Batch of the Best: Stories for Girls Edited by N. Gretchen Griener (1970) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Barbara M. Ericksen. 212 pages. SRP: 89¢.
Whitman Publishing Company #1623 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Some corner wear.)
A Bath for a Beagle by Thomas Crawford (1970) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Veronica Buffington. 32 pages.
Troll Associates [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh (1952) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Helen Sewell. 64 pages.
Charles Scribner's Sons [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
Beautiful Joe by Marshall Saunders (1955) $3.00
hardcover. Illustrated by William M. Hutchinson. 284 pages. SRP: 59¢.
Whitman Publishing Company #1625 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Corner wear, some peeling of plastic coating.)
Bed-Knob and Broomstick by Mary Norton (1971) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Erik Blegvad. 190 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-2276 [Seventh Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Some edge and corner wear.)
Bedtime Stories by Thornton W. Burgess (1959) $7.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Carl Hauge and Mary Hauge. 108 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap #2874 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus. (Mild corner wear.)
Ben and Pal by Cynthia Dee Buchanan (1966) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 64 pages.
McGraw Hill Book Company [Fourth Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Benjie Engie by Louise Lawrence Devine (1950) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Eleanor Corwin. 24 pages. SRP: 79¢.
Checkerboard Press [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Benny the Beaver by Harry J. Baerg (1964) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Harry J. Baerg. 60 pages.
Review & Herald Publishing Association [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
Benvenuto by Seymour Reit (1974) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Will Winslow. 128 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Good. (Color chipping upper spine, light staining lower edge front cover.)
Benvenuto by Seymour Reit (1974) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Will Winslow. 128 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine Plus.
Beowolf the Warrior: A Tale of Monsters by Ian Serraillier (date unknown) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Bill Pesce. 96 pages.
Scholastic Book Services [Fourth Printing]
Book is Near Mint.
The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest by Jan and Stan Berenstain (1988) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Jan and Stan Berenstain. 32 pages.SRP: $1.95.
Random House [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Bernadette's Busy Morning by Ila Hodgson (1968) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by John E. Johnson. 44 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus.
Best of Friends by Susan Postcanser and Jane Resnick (1986) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Mary Brooks. 20 pages. SRP: $2.95.
Modern Publishing [First printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus. (Some sticker residue on cover.)
Big and Little Are Not the Same by Bob Ottum (1972) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by George Buckett. 24 pages. SRP: 59¢.
Whitman Books/Western Publishing Company, Inc. [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine. (Minor edge wear to top and bottom of spine.)
The Big Budget for Boys (circa 1930s/1940s) $20.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. ±300 pages.
Blackie & Son Ltd. [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Tanning/foxing to pages, mild edge/corner wear.)
The Big Red Apple by Kate Whiting Patch (1968) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Irma Wilde. 28 pages. SRP: 25¢.
Rand McNally & Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
The Biggest Bear by Lynd Ward (January 1974) $2.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. 80 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #TW-531 [Ninth Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Vertical crease back cover, tanning.)
Bill Martin Instant Reader: The Haunted House
by Bill Martin, Jr. (1970) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Peter Lippman. 36 pages.
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus. (Minor corner wear.)
Bill Martin Instant Reader: A Spooky Story
by Bill Martin, Jr. (1970) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Albert John Pucci. 36 pages.
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
Billy and Blaze: Blaze and the Indian Cave by C.W. Anderson (1964) $16.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by C.W. Anderson. 48 pages.
The Macmillan Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
Birthday Book: The Colorful Story of How the Leopard Got Its Spots
by Anonymous (circa 1960s/1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Marjorie Cooper. 14 pages.
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Birthday Book: Hildy the Honeybee
by Laurelyn Lamy Kohl (circa 1960s/1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Molly Fleming. 14 pages
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
Birthday Book: How Do Computers Do What They Do?
by Laurelyn Lamy Kohl (circa 1960s/1970s) $16.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Katheryn Hutton. 14 pages
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Birthday Book: Johnny Appleseed
by Gladys Huden Gebert (circa 1960s/1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Wilma Korte. 14 pages.
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
Birthday Book: The Traffic Quiz Birthday Book
by Anonymous (circa 1960s/1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Katheryn Hutton. 14 pages.
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Birthday Book: What Flies in the Skies
by Curtis Heath (circa 1960s/1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jean O'Brien. 14 pages.
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Birthday Book Lot of Six Books (circa 1960s/1970s) $60.00
Hardcovers. Illustrated. 14 pages.
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc. [First Printing]
Books are all Very Fine to Very Fine Plus.
The Birthday Party by Paul Newman (1964) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jessica Zemsky. 64 pages. SRP: 59¢.
Wonder Books, Inc. #5934 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus save for some writing and check marks on last page.
Black Beauty by Eleanor Graham Vance (1969) $2.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Phoebe Erickson. 64 pages.
Random House [First Printing]
Book is Very Good.
Black Beauty by Eleanor Graham Vance (1969) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Phoebe Erickson. 64 pages.
Random House [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Black Beauty by Eleanor Graham Vance (1969) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Phoebe Erickson. 64 pages.
Random House [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
The Black Skimmer by Philip Hart (1929) $8.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. 242 pages.
The Saalfield Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Mild water stains to cover, page tanning.)
Dust Jacket is Very Good.
Black Storm by Thomas C. Hinkle (April 1974) $6.00
Softcover. Illustrated. 194 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #T54 [Twelfth Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
Blackstone's Magical Adventure #2: The Secrets of Stonehenge
by Milo Dennison (November 1986) $5.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Paul Abrams. 64 pages. SRP: $1.95.
Tor Books [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
The Blah by Jack Kent (1970) $20.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jack Kent. 18 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
Blind Man's Inlet by L.P. Wyman (1932) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 248 pages.
Saalfield Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Tanned pages.)
The Blind Sheik & The Donkeyskins
(1969) $16.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 48 pages.
The McCall Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
Blindman's Daughter by Edward B. Adams (1983) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Choi Dong Ho. 32 pages.
Seoul International Tourist Publishing Company [Third Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Blitz: The Story of a Horse by Hetty Burlingame Beatty (December 1969) $2.00
Softcover. Illustrated by James Dwyer. 128 pages. SRP: 60¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-926 [Third Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Nice save for mild creasing front cover.)
Blood in the Snow by Marlene Fanta Shyer (1975) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Maggie Kaufman Smith. 124 pages.
Houghton Mifflin Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine Plus.
Blue Dog and Other Stories by Eth Clifford (1966) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Carol Burger.128 pages.
Lyons & Carnahan/Meredith Publishing Company [Second Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Some edge and corner wear.)
Blue Jay and the Monster by Karel Campbell (1973) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Birte Seir. 40 pages.
Lerner Publications Company [Third Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Nice save for "50¢" in felt pen on upper right corner
of front cover, and small "TJ" in ball-point pen on upper left corner of back cover.)
Blue Willow by Doris Gates (March 1967) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Paul Lantz. 154 pages. SRP: 50¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX126 [Seventh Printing]
Book is Fine.
Boat by Barbara Remington (1975) $16.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Barbara Remington. 48 pages.
Doubleday & Company, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Dust Jacket is Very Good. (Price clip inside cover, some corner wear.)
Bob Dexter and the Beacon Beach Mystery by Willard F. Baker (1925) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 252 pages.
Cupples & Leon Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Bob, Son of Battle by Alfred Ollivant and Olive Price (1960) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Mort Kunstler. 64 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Mild water stain upper edge of first page, minor corner wear to spine.)
Bomba the Jungle Boy: The Giant Cataract by Roy Rockwood (1926) $8.00
Hardcover. 204 pages.
Clover Books/McLoughlin Brothers [First Printing]
Book is Very Good.
A Book of Fairy Tales (1977) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Janet Johnstone and Anne Grahame Johnstone. 176 pages.
Dean & Son, Ltd. UK [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Corner wear.)
A Book of Fairy Tales (1977) $28.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Janet Johnstone and Anne Grahame Johnstone. 176 pages.
Dean & Son, Ltd. UK [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Plus. (Corner wear.)
The Book of Giant Stories by David L. Harrison (1972) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Philippe Fix. 48 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
Book Trails--Volume Four: Through the Wildwood (1946) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 164 pages.
Child Development, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
The Boy from the UFO by Margaret Goff Clark (1979) $7.00
Originally published as Barney and the UFO.
Softcover. Illustrated by Ted Lewin. 160 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #31594 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
The Boy Who Saw Bigfoot by Marian T. Place (1979) $3.00
Hardcover. 96 pages.
Dodd, Mead & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
The Boy Who Saw Bigfoot by Marian T. Place (1979) $4.00
Hardcover. 96 pages.
Dodd, Mead & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine Plus.
The Boy Who Saw Bigfoot by Marian T. Place (1979) $6.00
Hardcover. 96 pages.
Dodd, Mead & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
The Boys' Life Book of Football Stories
Edited by Boy's Life Magazine (1963) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Tracy Sugarman. 186 pages.
Random House [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
The Boys' Life Book of Outer Space Stories
Edited by Boy's Life Magazine (1964) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Harry Kane. 186 pages.
Random House [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus.
Brains Benton #4: The Case of the Roving Rolls by George Wyatt (1961) $7.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Al Schmidt. 186 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1563 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Brains Benton #5: The Case of the Waltzing Mouse by George Wyatt (1961) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Al Schmidt. 186 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1564 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good.
Brighty of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry (1955) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Wesley Dennis. 224 pages.
Rand McNally & Company [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine Minus. (Some corner wear.)
Brother of the Wolves by Jean Thompson (1978) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Steve Marchesi. 112 pages.
William Morrow & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine. (Some corner wear.)
Buff Collie by Albert Payson Terhune (circa 1940s) $7.00
Hardcover. 342 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine Plus. (Minor corner wear/blunting on spine.)
Buffalo Chief by Jane Annixter and Paul Annixter (1963) $5.00
Hardcover. 224 pages.
Cadmus/Holiday House/E.M. Hale and Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Ex-libris; numerous stamps, writing on lower spine,
glue and paper residue on inside back cover where card pocket was removed.)
Buggaboo! & Popp Fly by Stephen Cosgrove (1988) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Charles Reasoner. 64 pages.
H.S. Stuttman, Inc./Topsy-Turvy Library [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Building a New Bridge by Wan Yun (1979) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Chen Yungchen. 20 pages.
Foreign Languages Press [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Minor edge and corner wear.)
By the Sea by Anne Welsh Guy (1966) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Wendell Kling. 28 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #2429 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
C.J. Watson Solves the Dragon's Blood Mystery by Angelo Resciniti (1980) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Ahern. 98 pages.
Noodle Factory [Printing Unknown]
Book is Near Mint Minus.
Calico Cat: Calico Cat at the Zoo by Donald Charles (1981) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Donald Charles. 32 pages.
Childrens Press [Third Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
Calico Cat: Calico Cat's Rainbow by Donald Charles (1975) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Donald Charles. 32 pages.
Childrens Press [Eighth Printing]
Book is Fine. (Some edge and corner wear.)
Calico Cat: Letters from Calico Cat by Donald Charles (1974) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Donald Charles. 32 pages.
Childrens Press [Seventh Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Some edge and corner wear, a few small spatters/stains on cover.)
The Call of the Wild by Jack London (1960) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Robert L. Jenney. 212 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1635 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
The Camp at Auld-Man-Shiel by L.E.O. Charlton (August 1948) $6.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated. 192 pages.
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. UK [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
Dust Jacket is Good Plus. (Price clipped on inner flat, heavy wear to upper edge.)
Captain Midnight: Joyce of the Secret Squadron by R.R. Winterbotham (1942) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Erwin L. Darwin. 252 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #2376 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Capture at Sea by Audrey White Beyer (November 1967) $4.00
Softcover. Illustrated by H. Tom Hall. 128 pages. SRP: 45¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-1187 [First printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (.25" tear lower edge front cover.)
The Care Bears: The Magic Words by Maria B. Murad (1984) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Dick Morgado. 44 pages.
Parker Brothers [Third Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Caroline by Miriam E. Mason (date unknown) $3.00
Originally published as Caroline and Her Kettle Named Maud.
Softcover. Illustrated by Joseph Escourido. 80 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #TW-668 [Printing Unknown]
Book is Near Mint Minus.
The Case of the Secret Scribbler by E.W. Hildick (1978) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lisl Weil.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Cassie's Magic Flowers: The Story of Calico Crossings by Nan Roloff (1984) $7.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Nancy Duell. 44 pages.
Current, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Castaways in Lilliput by Henry Winterfeld (1961) $12.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by William M. Hutchinson. 192 pages. SRP: $3.00.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
Dust Jacket is Very Fine Minus. (Nice save for .25" tear upper back cover.)
The Cat and the Fiddler by Jacky Jeter (1968) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lionel Kalish. 44 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine Minus. (Light soiling to front and back cover.)
Challenge of Ice by Robert N. Webb (1963) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Arnie Kohn. 212 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1506 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
The Champlain Monster by Jeff Danziger (1991) $7.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Jeff Danziger. 92 pages. SRP: $6.95.
The New England Press [Third Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
The Charmed Circle by Dorothea J. Snow (1962) $7.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Mimi Korach. 216 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #2312 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Chester Bear's Winter by Maria Zetea (circa 1980s) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Ecaterina Draganovici. 28 pages.
Roydon Publishing UK [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Nice save for 6" tear on one page, cleanly repaired.)
The Christmas Present Mystery by Marion M. Markham (1984) $2.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully. 52 pages.
Houghton Mifflin Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
Christopher Cool, Teen Agent #2: Mission--Moonfire by Jack Lancer (1967) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 176 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine. (Mild rub damage.)
Christopher's Parade by Richard Hefter and Martin Stephen Moskof (1972) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Richard Hefter. 36 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine Minus save for name scribbled out on upper right corner first page.
Circus Parade Edited by Phyllis R. Fenner (1955) $6.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Lee Ames. 178 pages. SRP: $3.00.
Borzoi Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Nice save for tanning to edges of pages.)
Dust Jacket is Very Good. (Edge and corner wear, cleanly repaired on interior.)
The Comic Book Mystery by Janet Townsend (1973) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Richard Cuffari. 148 pages.
Pantheon Books/ Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
Congo Boy: An African Folk Tale by Mollie Clarke (circa 1970s) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Beatrice Darwin. 48 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #TW-923 [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine Plus.
Conquista! by Clyde Robert Bulla and Michael Syson (1978) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Ronald Himler. 40 pages.
Thomas Y. Crowell [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
The Cool Ride in the Sky by Diane Wolkstein (1973) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Paul Galdone. 36 pages.
Alfred A. Knopf [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and Edward Robinson (1957) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Hamilton Greene. 96 pages.
Simon & Schuster #CL-112 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good.
A Cow for Hansel by Ernie Holyer (1967) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Harry Baerg. 96 pages.
Revie and Herald Publishing Association [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
Cowboy Boots by Shannon Garst (1946) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Charles Hargens. 194 pages.
Abingdon Press [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Ex-libris; some stamps, sticker on lower spine.)
Cowboy Sam and the Fair by Edna Walker Chandler (1971) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jack Merryweather. 96 pages.
Benefic Press [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Good. (Ex-libris; card pocket on first
page, ink stamps, mild fading and some minor soiling.)
Cowboy Sam and the Fair by Edna Walker Chandler (1971) $10.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jack Merryweather. 96 pages.
Benefic Press [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine. (Ex-libris; ink stamp inside front cover.)
Cranberry Thanksgiving by Harry Devlin and Wende Devlin (1971) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated . 36 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
The Crane Maiden by Miyoko Matsutani (1968) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki. 36 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Crash at Salty Bay by Pete Pomeroy (1972) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Sal catalano. 92 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #SA-1925 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Extremely nice save for pen marks filling .5" logo on back cover.)
Criss-Cross Vacation by Deane S. Smith (1956) $8.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Heman Fay, Jr. 128 pages. SRP: $2.00.
Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Name written on first page and inside back cover.)
Dust Jacket is Fair. (Excessive wear, missing 1.5" triangle from back cover.)
A Crocodile's Tale by Ariane Aruego and Jose Aruego (January 1975) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated. 32 pages.
Scholastic Book Services #TJ-3051 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Cubby in Wonderland by Frances Joyce Farnsworth (1932) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 140 pages.
The University of New Mexico Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Edge and corner wear.)
The Curse of the Egyptian Mummy by Pat Hutchins (1983) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Laurence Hutchins. 140 pages.
Greenwillow Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.