D'Aulaires' Trolls by d'Aulaire (1972) $12.00
Softcover. Illustrated by d'Aulaire. 64 pages. SRP: $1.95.
Zephyr Books/Doubleday & Company, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
D'Aulaires' Trolls by d'Aulaire (circa 1970s) $6.00
Softcover. Illustrated by d'Aulaire. 64 pages. SRP: $2.95.
Zephyr Books/Doubleday & Company, Inc. [Second Printing]
Book is Fine. (Nice save for a 1" crack/stress mark mid-spine.)

Danny Dunn: Danny Dunn and the Fossil Cave
by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams (1969) $3.00.
Hardcover. Illustrated by Brinton Turkle. 148 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Seventh Printing]
Book is Fine. (Some corner wear.)
Danny Dunn: Danny Dunn and the Fossil Cave
by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams (1969) $4.00.
Hardcover. Illustrated by Brinton Turkle. 148 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Seventh Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Danny Dunn: Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine
by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams (1959) $6.00.
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats. 148 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Some corner wear.)
Dust Jacket is Very Good. (Edge/corner wear, especially top and bottom of spine.)

Danny Dunn: Danny Dunn and the Swamp Monster
by Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams (1971) $3.00.
Hardcover. Illustrated by Paul Sagsoorian. 142 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine. (Corner blunting.)

The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish by Neil Gaiman (February 1999) $5.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Dave McKean. 64 pages. SRP: $7.99.
Scholastic Books [First Printing]
Book is Near Mint.
The Day Joe Went to the Supermarket by Dorothy Levenson (1963) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jessica Zemsky. 64 pages. SRP: 59¢.
Wonder Books #5922 [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Light spine fading.)

Day of Glory: The Guns at Lexington and Concord by Philip Spencer (January 1964) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Peter Burchard. 188 pages. SRP: 50¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-322 [Third Printing]
Book is Fine. (Some discoloring to back cover.)
A Day on the Farm by Alf Evers (1948) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Dorothy Grider. 22 pages. SRP: 25¢.
Rand McNally & Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus.
Days of Adventure Edited by Guy L. Bond and Marie C. Cuddy (1956) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated.
Lyons & Carnahan [Second Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Edge and corner wear/blunting.)

Dear Mili by Wilhelm Gimm (1988) $4.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 40 pages. SRP: $16.95.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine save for inscription on first page.
Dust Jacket is Fine Minus. (Wear to bottom of spine.)
Dear Mili by Wilhelm Gimm (1995) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 40 pages. SRP: $6.95.
Harper Collins [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus save for retail sticker on back cover.

The Devil's Doorstep by Marian Rumsey (1966) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by W.T. Mars. 124 pages.
William Morrow & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
The Diamond Tree by Howard Schwartz and Barbara Rush (1991) $8.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Uri Shulevitz. 120 pages. SRP: $16.95.
Harper Collins [First Printing]
Book is Near Mint.
Dust Jacket is Near Mint save for light vertical crease on inner flap.
Dickens' Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (1961) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Charles Ropp. 48 pages.
Ideals Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Corner wear, mild warping of cover, peeling along spine.)

Did You Ever Dream? by Doris Herold Lund (1969) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Franklin Luke. 40 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.

Doctor Rabbit by Jan Wahl (1970) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Peter Parnall. 52 pages.
Delacorte Press [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine. (Minor general cover wear.)
Dollie's Big Dream by Eldridge H. Sabin (1929) $32.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Elenore Plaisted Abbott and Helen Alden Knipe.
236 pages. SRP: $1.25.
Albert Whitman & Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus save for a shallow 6" scratch center back cover.
Don Sturdy in the Land of Volcanoes by Victor Appleton (1925) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Walter S. Rogers. 218 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Staining to right edge of front cover, foxing to edges of pages.)

Donald and the Fish that Walked by Edward R. Ricciuti (1974) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Syd Hoff. 64 pages.
Harper & Row/Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Donkey, Donkey by Roger Duvoisin (1968) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin. 44 pages.
Parents Magazine Press [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.

Donna Parker: Special Agent by Marcia Martin (1957) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jon Nielsen. 282 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1591 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Some peeling of plastic coating on cover, corner wear.)
Donna Parker: Special Agent by Marcia Martin (1957) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Jon Nielsen. 282 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1591 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus save for writing interior front cover.
Donna Parker: Takes a Giant Step by Marcia Martin (1964) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Mary Stevens. 282 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1573 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Edge and corner wear.)

Dorrie and the Weather-Box by Patricia Coombs (1966) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Patricia Coombs. 52 pages.
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company, Inc. [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine Minus. (Ex-libris; light glue stain inside front cover, stamp on first page.)
Drag Race by Anabel Dean (1977) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 80 pages.
Benefic Press [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine. (Spine fading, otherwise nice.)
Drag Strip Danger by Ross R. Olney (1972) $10.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Harvey Kidder. 212 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1503 [First Printing]
Book is Fine. (Mild edge/corner wear.)

Dragon, Dragon and Other Tales by John Gardner (October 1976) $6.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Charles Shields. 84 pages. SRP: $1.50.
Bantam Skylark Books #15000-6 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
The Duke of Plaza Toro by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan (1969) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Rosemary Wells. 36 pages.
The Macmillan Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Dusty and the Fiddlers by Miska Miles (1962) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Erik Blegvad. 56 pages.
Little, Brown & Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Good Plus. (½" tear on back upper spine.)

Eerie Tales of Terror and Dread by Bernhardt J. Hurwood (1973) $3.00
Scholastic Book Services #40879 [Second Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Eight Tales of Terror by Edgar Allan Poe (July 1964) $2.00
Illustrated by Irv Docktor.
Scholastic Book Services #T-290 [Fifth Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.
Eight Tales of Terror by Edgar Allan Poe (July 1964) $3.00
Illustrated by Irv Docktor.
Scholastic Book Services #T-290 [Fifth Printing]
Book is Fine.

Elizabeth's Shopping Spree by David Omar White (1966) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by David Omar White. 44 pages.
Alfred A. Knopf [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kästner (August 1965) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Walter Trier. 160 pages. SRP: 45¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-624 [Third Printing]
Book is Fine.

Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas by Russell Hoban (1971) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lillian Hoban. 44 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
The Enchanted Island by William Shakespeare and Ian Serraillier (November 1967) $2.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Peter Farmer. 128 pages. SRP: 50¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-1169 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Edge and corner wear, some minor surface wear.)
Enchanted Isles Edited by Leland B. Jacobs and Eleanor M. Johnson (1954) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. 360 pages.
Charles E. Merrill Books [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Edge wear, writing on upper edge of book in red pen.)

Encyclopedia Brown: Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor
by Donald J. Sobol (1977) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lillian Brandi. 96 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine.
Encyclopedia Brown: Encyclopedia Brown Finds the Clues
by Donald J. Sobol (1977) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 96 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine. (Nice save for light stain lower left corner front cover.)
Encyclopedia Brown: Encyclopedia Brown Takes the Case
by Donald J. Sobol (1973) $8.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 96 pages. SRP: $4.95.
Thomas Nelson, Inc. [Third Printing]
Book is Fine. (Name written in pen on inside cover, small mailing label on first page.)
Dust Jacket is Very Good. (Edge and corner wear.)

Evil Eye Beagle Funny Sports Stories by Harrison Powers (1982) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Jim Odbert. 96 pages. SRP: $1.95.
Watermill Press [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.

Fairway Danger by Evelyn Lunemann (1969) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Max Ranft. 72 pages.
Benefic Press [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Fairy Tale Sampler Edited by Kirby Muir (1947) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Violet la Mont. 48 pages.
Ziff-Davis Publishing [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Minus.
Fairy Tales and Fables Edited by Eve Morel (1970) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Gyo Fujikawa. 124 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap [First Printing]
Book is Fine.

The Family Name by Jan Washburn (1971) SOLD
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lee Styles. 210 pages.
Whitman Books/Western Publishing Company #1531 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Minus. (Edge and corner wear.)
The Far Frontier by William O. Steele (1961) $6.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Paul Galdone. 184 pages. SRP: $2.95.
Harcourt, Brace & Company/Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine Plus.
Dust Jacket is Fine. (Nice save for some light discoloration along upper edges.)

Favorite Tales of Monsters and Trolls by George Jonsen (1977) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by John O'Brien. 32 pages. SRP: $1.25.
Random House [Fourth Printing]
Book is Very Good.
Favorite Tales of Monsters and Trolls by George Jonsen (1977) $5.00
Softcover. Illustrated by John O'Brien. 32 pages.
Random House [Second Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.

Fawn Baby by Gladys Baker Bond (1966) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Robert J. Lee. 32 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #2428 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good. (Corner wear, wear to top and bottom of spine.)
The Fawn's Surprise by Dean Walley (1970) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lois Jackson. 28 pages.
Hallmark cards, Inc. [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine Plus.

Felix the Cat by Jan Carr (1986) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Frank Hill. 32 pages. SRP: $1.95.
Scholastic Book Services [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
Felix the Cat and His Magic Bag by Jan Carr (1986) $5.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Frank Hill. 32 pages. SRP: $1.95.
Scholastic Book Services [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.

Festival Fairy Tales: Volume One (circa 1970s) $10.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. SRP: $12.95.
Cluny Books CA [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine Minus. (Blunting upper right corners, otherwise like new.)
Festival Fairy Tales: Volume Two (circa 1970s) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. SRP: $12.95.
Cluny Books CA [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine. (Spine fading.)

Festival Fairy Tales: Volume Two (circa 1970s) $10.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. SRP: $12.95.
Cluny Books CA [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Festival Fairy Tales: Volume Two (circa 1970s) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated. SRP: $12.95.
Cluny Books CA [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Fine Plus.

Fifty Famous Fairy Tales (1965) $8.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Robert J. Lee. 254 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.
Fireguard by Peter L. Dixon (1971) $12.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Paul L. Taylor. 124 pages.
Bowmar [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus. (Some minor edge and corner wear.)

The First Lake Dwellers by Chester G. Osborne (1956) $6.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Richard N. Osborne. 128 pages.
Follett Publishing Company [Fifth Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Ex-libris; card pocket first page, several stamps.)
First Men in Space by Sara Maynard Clark (1961) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. 64 pages.
Follett Publishing Company [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Minus. (2" x 2" piece cut from upper right corner first page.)

Five Knucklebones by Paul W. Fairman (1972) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Vivian Berger. 164 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine.
Five Knucklebones by Paul W. Fairman (1972) $7.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Vivian Berger. 164 pages.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.

Five Little Peppers: Grown Up by Margaret Sidney (1937) $8.00
Hardcover w/ Dust Jacket. Illustrated by Arthur Becher. 480 pages.
Grosset & Dunlap #5050 [Printing Unknown]
Book is Very Good.
Dust Jacket is Good. (Heavy edge wear, pieces missing top of spine.)
The Five Little Peppers: Midway by Margaret Sidney (1965) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by June Goldsborough and Tom O'Sullivan. 254 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #2710 [Printing Unknown]
Book is Fine.

Five Little Peppers: Midway by Margaret Sidney (1961) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Norma Garris. 282 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1612 [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus.
Five Little Peppers: Midway by Margaret Sidney (1961) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Norma Garris. 282 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1612 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus.

Flash Gordon in the Sand World of Mongo by Horace J. Elias (1976) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated. 96 pages. SRP: 95¢.
Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Very Good Minus.
Flash of Phantom Canyon by Agnes V. Ranney (December 1963) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Mike Strauss. 150 pages. SRP: 45¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-527 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.

Fly High, Fly Low by Don Freeman (1957) $10.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Don Freeman. 56 pages.
Note: This edition comes with a 7" 33 rpm record.
The Viking Press, Inc. [Special Edition]
Book is Very Fine Minus.
Vinyl is Very Good Plus. (Light scuffing and surface scratches.)
The Flying Shoes by Cynthia Jameson (1973) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Lawrence di Fiori. 40 pages.
Parents' Magazine Press [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Mild discoloration and corner wear.)

Forbidden Cargoes by Roy J. Snell (1927) $8.00
Hardcover. 282 pages.
The Reilly & Lee Company [First Printing]
Book is Fine.
The Forest Fire Mystery by Troy Nesbit (1962) $5.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis. 284 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company #1527 [First Printing]
Book is Fine Minus. (Minor peeling of plastic cover.)
The Forgotten Door by Alexander Key (September 1968) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Dom Lupo. 140 pages. SRP: 50¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-791 [Fifth Printing]
Book is Very Good Plus. (Some corner wear, light creasing along spine on front cover.)

The Forgotten Door by Alexander Key (December 1965) $5.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Dom Lupo. 140 pages. SRP: 50¢.
Scholastic Book Services #TX-791 [Second Printing]
Book is Fine.
Frankenstein Moved In on the Fourth Floor by Elizabeth Levy (1979) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein.
Weekly Reader Books [Book Club Edition]
Book is Very Fine.
The Frightened Hare by Franklin Russell (1965) $4.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Fredric Sweney. 64 pages.
Holt, Rinehart & Winstin, Inc. #WS-22 [First Printing]
Book is Very Fine.

The Frog Prince by Paul Galdone (1975) $3.00
Hardcover. Illustrated by Paul Galdone. 44 pages.
McGraw-Hill Book Company [Book Club Edition]
Book is Fine Minus.
Fun on Wheels by Joanna Cole (1976) $3.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Whitney Darrow, Jr. 24 pages.
Scholastic Book Services, Inc. [First Printing]
Book is Fine Plus.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Bunny by Pat Sanchez (1944) $6.00
Softcover. Illustrated by Pat Sanchez. 12 pages.
Whitman Publishing Company [First printing]
Book is Good Plus. (Complete, but numerous tears to cover.)