Published & Unpublished Works

Entries listed alphabetically by format.


...and Introducing the Piltdown Man (1997)
 Excerpt published in Touchstones NW (1996)
Touchstones NW published by Armadillo Press.
 Book is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Excerpt published in Excerpts from Three Novels (January 1997)
Excerpts from Three Novels published by Stigmata Press. [#SP012]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Unavailable for publication.

The Desperado Masque (1992)
 Excerpt published in Raw Media Mags V1#2 (1992)
Raw Media Mags published by Rebel Studios.
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Excerpt published in Excerpts from Three Novels (January 1997)
Excerpts from Three Novels published by Stigmata Press. [#SP012]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Ethylinsideout (1996)
 Published as Ethylinsideout (March 1997)
Ethylinsideout published by Stigmata Press. [#SP201]
 Book is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Excerpt published in Lethologica V1#1 (Winter/Spring 1996)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP103]
 Excerpt published in Excerpts from Three Novels (January 1997)
Excerpts from Three Novels published by Stigmata Press. [#SP012]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Seven Dreams of a Mad Dog (2004)
 Available for publication.

Novellas & Novelettes

A Devil's Crusade (2001)
 Available for publication.
 | excerpt |

Fugue (2001)
 Available for publication.

Short Stories

Amongst Mannikens (2002)
 Available for publication.
 | excerpt |

Apostema (1996)
 Published in Touchstones NW (1996)
Touchstones NW published by Armadillo Press.
 Also published in Ugly on a Stick (January 1997)
Ugly on a Stick published by Stigmata Press. [#SP011]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Unavailable for publication.

A Bag of Nails (1997)
 Published in Shock After Shock (March 1997)
Shock After Shock published by Stigmata Press. [#SP013]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

The Beast with Two Backs (2005)
 Available for publication.
 | excerpt |

Collective (2003)
 Available for publication.
 | excerpt |

A Demon in My View (1992)
 Published as A Demon in My View (April 1992)
A Demon in My View published by Stigmata Press.
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Unavailable for publication.

Easter Always Falls on a Sunday (2004)
 Published in Cold Flesh (2005)
Cold Flesh published by Hellbound Books.
 Book is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.
 | full text |

Footfalls (2002)
 Published in Lovecraft's Weird Mysteries V1#5 (2002)
Lovecraft's Weird Mysteries published by Pentagram Publications.
 Available from Arkham Press.
 | full text |

From the Same Cloth (1997)
 Published in Shock After Shock (March 1997)
Shock After Shock published by Stigmata Press. [#SP013]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

The Gaping Maw (1992)
 Published as The Gaping Maw (January 1996)
The Gaping Maw published by Stigmata Press. [#SP010]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 • Excerpt from Seven Dreams of a Mad Dog.
 Unavailable for publication.
 | excerpt |

I Am the Cage (1992)
 Published in Raw Media Mags V1#4 (1993)
Raw Media Mags published by Rebel Studios.
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Unavailable for publication.

I Am the Cage [Revision] (1998)
 Available for publication.
 | excerpt |

Just Beneath the Skin (2003)
 Available for publication.
 | excerpt |

Loup Garou (1998)
 Published in Ugly on a Stick (January 1997)
Ugly on a Stick published by Stigmata Press. [#SP011]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

The Midnight Interview (2005)
 Available for publication.

Mirrors of the Soul (2002)
 Published in Crimson. (2002)
Crimson published by Night Terrors Publications.
 Website and e-zine are no longer unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Monkeysuit (1999)
 Available for publication.

The Mystery of the Devil's Spire (2004)
 Available for publication.

Oedipus' Headbone (1991)
 Published in Raw Media Mags V1#1 (2002)
Raw Media Mags published by Rebel Studios.
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Unavailable for publication

Old Scratch (1993)
 Published in Touchstones NW (1996)
Touchstones NW published by Armadillo Press.
 Book is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Also published in Ugly on a Stick (January 1997)
Ugly on a Stick published by Stigmata Press. [#SP011]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Prescript to a Sour Revelation (1992)
 Published as Prescript to a Sour Relevation (Novemer 1992)
Prescript to a Sour Relevation published by Stigmata Press.
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 • Aborted chaper from Seven Dreams of a Mad Dog.
 Unavailable for publication.

The Pumpkin That Carved Itself a Smile (2002)
 Published in The Art of Horror (2002)
 Website and e-zine are no longer unavailable.
 • Winning entry in the Bloody Bones Halloween Short Story Contest.
 Available for publication.

Readymade (2001)
 Available for publication.

Rough Cut (2004)
 Available for publication.

Sealed with a Kiss (2003)
 Available for publication.

Sibling Revelry (1994)
 Published in Shock After Shock (March 1997)
Shock After Shock published by Stigmata Press. [#SP013]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Solace (1995)
 Published in Ugly on a Stick (January 1997)
Ugly on a Stick published by Stigmata Press. [#SP011]
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Something Babies Do (1999)
 Available for publication.

Spinneret (2001)
 Available for publication.

A Squall of Gulls (2000)
 Available for publication.

Stock Monsters (1998)
 Available for publication.

Stocking Stuffers (2004)
 Available for publication.

Sweet in Thine Eyes (1992)
 Published as Sweet in Thine Eyes (October 1992)
Sweet in Thine Eyes published by Stigmata Press.
 Chapbook is out of print and currently unavailable.
 • Aborted chaper from Seven Dreams of a Mad Dog.
 Unavailable for publication.

The Two-Fold Solution (1997)
 Published in Lethologica V1#2 (Winter/Spring 1997)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP105]
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Your Infection (1999)
 Published in Chiaroscuro V1#10 (October 2001)
 • Placed third in the Seventh Chiaroscuro Short Story Contest. (2001)
 • Honorable Mention in The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror. (2002)
 Available for publication.


6 O'Clock News (1998)
 Published in Lethologica V1#3 (Spring 1998)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP107]
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Dead Cities (1998)
 Published in Lethologica V1#3 (Spring 1998)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP107]
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

The Metamorphosis, by Someone Other Than Kafka (1998)
 Published in Lethologica V1#3 (Spring 1998)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP107]
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

The Rules of Asphyxiation (1998)
 Published in Lethologica V1#3 (Spring 1998)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP107]
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Two-Way Street (1998)
 Published in Lethologica V1#3 (Spring 1998)
Lethologica published by Stigmata Press. [#SP107]
 Magazine is out of print and currently unavailable.
 Available for publication.

Complete texts for most of these works are available to editors and publishers upon request.

This website © 2010 by Studio Scordatura.
All text and art reproductions © 2010 by the respective artists.
Please do not reproduce anything from this website without prior permission. Thank you.