Reginald E. Bloom is an award-winning author who sifts through the stygian masses clinging to the underside of the human psyche whilst documenting the monsters lurking in the crevices of the id. Regardless of whether these disturbing manifestations are psychological or physiological, preternatural or supernatural, Mr. Bloom reports his findings with the eye of a weekly tabloid reporter combing the obituaries for a story.

Having spent the first ten years of his writing career self-publishing his primitive tales as chapbooks, Mr. Bloom has accrued a small but faithful audience in the last decade by having his work appear in more respectable forums. Precipitated by placing third in the Seventh Chiarascuro Short Story Writing Contest in 2001, his work has since appeared in a number of well-regarded print and online publications. To date, his pinnacle has been as a contributor to the critically-acclaimed anthology Cold Flesh from Hellbound Books. In the meantime, the author has been burning the midnight soil with a forthcoming collection of his shorter works, as well as a revisioning of his controversial first and only self-published novel, Ethylinsideout.

Mr. Bloom is rumored to currently reside in a derelict house at the end of a dead stretch of road on the outskirts of Snohomish County, although he has been sighted on occasion lurking in the back alleys of Everett during the wee hours of the morning. Considering how little he has made from his literary endeavors, and the disturbing detail in which his metafictional murders are described, neither revelation is very startling.

Reginald Bloom (2010)
Photography by Mortimer Dempsey.

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