Mortimer Dempsey is an alias of a not-so-famous artist, a fabricated pseudonym chosen in order to divorce his more "serious" work from his other, less "artistic" endeavors with which he established under his given name. From experience, Mr. Dempsey has learned that despite the fact he employed very different idioms, the public was inevitably compelled to judge all facets of the artist's work under the same terms as another, which he found unconstructive and ultimately frustrating.

Influenced by such schools of thought as dada, surrealism, Viennese Actionism, and lowbrow art, Dempsey has employed a wide range of mediums with which to capture his unique and singular visions (the latter of which he states is a given, since no one else is willing to lay claim to his work). Having initially made the move from pen & ink to manipulated found images in the mid-1990s, he now strives to improve the level of realism in his work through digital means, in order to breathe life into what would otherwise be static compositions. As of late, he is further exploring this concept by adapting and applying his preferred two-dimensional mediums to three-dimensional constructs.

A life-long resident of Snohomish County, the artist has been rooted in Everett proper for the last twenty-odd years. Suffice it to say, the region's contaminated soil offers no shortage of vitiated nutrients with which to feed his hunger for the acrid and the profane. That, and the rent is cheap.

Self-Portrait (2010)
Art digitalis by the artist.

This website © 2010 by Studio Scordatura.
All text and art reproductions © 2010 by the respective artists.
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